Pokemon type coverage calculator. You can enter any combination of Pokémon, moves and types and see the damage output and effectiveness. Pokemon type coverage calculator

 You can enter any combination of Pokémon, moves and types and see the damage output and effectivenessPokemon type coverage calculator  For example, in Gen 3 OU, Blissey is weak to fighting

Suggestion: Evolution filter for the Pokémon type coverage. Next #006. you can have defensive weaknesses as well (especially combinations of types) and b. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. 3% . edu) I wonder if I made any mistakes in this, tell. Fairy. Resist (22) Deals 2× to. Back to offense. Pokédex Coverage. Marriland’s Pokémon Team Builder is a tool that you can use to check the weaknesses and resistances of your entire team at a glance to spot any glaring holes in your team’s defensive coverage. Normal. The Marriland IV Calculator is a tool that can be used to determine your Pokémon’s Individual Values (IVs) in the main series Pokémon games. 3 and then the three attacks. 5 times normal. Bulbasaur. Edit list (1178) 20. Poison #002. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. Pokémon Type Calculator. Next #248. 9% . Resist (350) Deals 2× to. Weak (452) 52. Clefairy. Pokémon Type Calculator. It has few or no major vulnerabilities. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. 3% . Type Immune 4x Resist 2x Resist Neutral Pokedex A searchable, sortable pokedex to help you find the perfect pokemon for your build. Normal (601) 28. Pokémon Type Calculator. Resist (17) Deals 2× to. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. Back to offense. 9% . A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. Pokémon Type Calculator. Next #001. Weak (365) 66. Edit list (1178) 41. Bear in mind I didn't think of any move or special ability, but you can still hit Shedinja and most Levitate users (you will need Mold Breaker / Gravity for Eelektross and Weezing -or a Psychic-). Minor-Suggestion: Add a subcategory for moves like freeze-dry to the attack Type Coverage page; Suggestion: Evolution filter for the Pokémon type coverage; Problems with abilities in the Type Coverage Checker; Will the Type Coverage Calculator be updated with Gen 6. Back to offense. This mini-app lets you select types corresponding to the attacking moves you've taught (or plan to teach) to a Pokémon. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. Pokémon Type Calculator. Bug. Type Coverage Calculator - Used to determine the effectiveness of a certain moveset against every possible Pokemon. Pokémon Type Calculator. GROUDON has the power. Dragon. Tyranitar. Se puede utilizar tanto para fines casuales como competitivos. Rayquaza. Type Coverage calculator Check what type combinations work best. There are 18 different Pokémon types in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Back to offense. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. Normal (629) 9. It lets you import/export from/to Showdown and also lets you change moves and shows how weak your team is to other types. 2% . Pokémon Damage Calculator. Resist (54) Deals 2× to. Pokédex Coverage. Weak (636) 44. Pokémon Type Calculator. Pyroar. Back to offense. 0 answers 535 views. You can enter any combination of Pokémon, moves and types and see the damage output and effectiveness. Fairy Fire #001 – #045 (01 / 25) Previous Next #001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison #002 Ivysaur Grass Poison #003 Venusaur Grass Poison #003 Venusaur (Mega Venusaur) Grass Poison #010 Caterpie Bug #011 Metapod Bug #012 Butterfree Bug Just click a type name and it will show you that type weaknesses. Offense Defense Pokédex More Weakness Coverage List. Weak (585) 48. Oh ok, thanks! rileigh837 • 3 yr. Tentacool. 9% . Back to offense. You can input up to 6 Pokémon for your. This calculator is designed to work with pokemon from Generation 3. En Gen. Gonna put this here as another resource that's similar to this. Steel #004 – #036 (01 / 31) Previous. Waggle those fingers! Type Coverage Calculator A tool to help you figure out which types you'll struggle to fight Create a custom CSV file with just the OU tier Pokémon, or even create your own Pokémon from scratch. 5-SPP (21/April/2010) This Moveset Searcher has been written by Hercules G. Resist (28) Deals 2× to. Poison #016 – #031 (02 / 41) Previous. Grass #006 – #034 (01 / 22) Previous. Poliwrath. 0% . Resist (97) Deals 2× to. Back to offense. Pokémon Type Calculator. Weak (500) 55. Just click a type name and it will show you that type weaknesses. Pokémon Type Calculator. Fire. Grass. Next #001. Weak (528) 48. These Pokémon are resistant to all of the selected types. g. Pokédex Coverage. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. The most common fighting attack user is Salamence, so that's why many Blisseys know ice beam instead of psychic. These three make a circle-hedged team: if any. Electric. Resist (25) Deals 2× to. Pokémon Damage Calculator. These Pokémon are resistant to all of the selected types. Defensive: For each type in the table, 3 effective multipliers will be calculated for each of your input Pokemon. Pokédex Coverage. Tentacool. Pokémon Type Calculator. Fighting. Pokémon Type Calculator. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. It then tells you how effective those types are at tackling every known Pokémon. 9% . Type Coverage calculator. Dark. 5x. These Pokémon are weak to at least one of the selected types. Clefable. It lets you import/export from/to Showdown and also lets you change moves and shows how weak your team is to other types. RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W X/Y S/M S/S S/V Select the output notation. Edit list (1178) 47. These are pretty obvious - so Machop, the karate-chopping Pokemon, is Fighting. Fighting. Fighting. Edit list (1178) 51. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. 0 answers 12 views. Groudon’s best counter is Lugia. 9% . Normal (785) 2. Resist (234) Deals 2× to. A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. . Resist (443) Deals 2× to. Bug. Stay ahead of the game with the Pikalytics damage calculator!. Pokédex Coverage. Pokémon Type Calculator. Output. This calculator will let you know about the weaknesses & disadvantages of each type of groups like water type or rock type group. These Pokémon are resistant to all of the selected types. Water. Pokémon Type Calculator. Pokémon Type Calculator. Stay ahead of the game with the Pikalytics damage calculator! There are 10 ways to cover all 18 types with just 7 attack types. Be careful of abilities though (eg. Pokédex Coverage. POKEMON TOOLS - ATTACK TYPE ANALYSIS. These Pokémon are resistant to all of the selected types. Please keep in mind that this calculator does NOT work for Pokémon GO or for Generation 1 or 2. Regieleki is capable of creating all Galar’s electricity. Preliminary support for Scarlet & Violet is now available—go ahead and see if this works out as an option for. Pokédex Coverage. Torterra. Pokémon Type Calculator. Fighting #006 – #037 (01 / 26) Previous. Pokemon HeartGold Version. Pokémon Type Calculator. Back to offense. Edit list (1178) 31. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Attack Chart. Grass. Minimum Type Coverage. Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy. Pokémon Type Calculator. Pokémon Type Calculator. Resist (366) Deals 2× to. 6% . The most common fighting attack user is Salamence, so that's why many Blisseys know ice beam instead of psychic. Pokémon Type Calculator. Gen 9 - Perfect coverage. Offense Defense Pokédex More Resistance Coverage List. Fairy. Back to offense. 0% . A Pokémon type calculator to show strengths/weaknesses of different type combinations. Rotom. Pokémon Type Calculator. 1. 8% . Abomasnow Abra Absol Accelgor Aegislash Aegislash-Blade Aerodactyl Aggron Aipom Alakazam Alcremie Alomomola Altaria Amaura Ambipom Amoonguss Ampharos Annihilape Anorith Appletun Applin Araquanid Araquanid-Totem Arbok Arboliva Arcanine Arcanine-Hisui Arceus Arceus-Bug Arceus-Dark Arceus-Dragon Arceus-Electric. RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W X/Y S/M S/S S/V One vs One One vs All All vs One Random Battles. 6% . xyz! My name is Damon and I'm a Software Developer from Queensland, Australia. Welcome to the Pokémon Tools page where you can find various calculators and applications to help you plan the perfect strategy! Currently there are only three tools but. Weak (377) 63. 1% . There may also be a GUI version of this calculator in the future. 4% .