Many War Thunder matches have been won with the BB-1 or its younger siblings. The gameplay of Simulator mode is similar to that of realistic battles - two teams of different. hey guys i was playing todays mozdok simulation event a couple of hours and as always, its only done by half, the gaijin philophy its seem -. War Thunder removed E-100 (15cm) model with no trace. Content titles and body; Content titles onlyRB Air. However, due to limited gaming time, I've be. PLAY WAR THUNDER FOR FREE AND GET 50GE FOR FREE:. But combind matches makes the game imersive and it creates some cool situations in my. To play you need to play as either Germany or Russia and have a tank and a plane in your line up. Ground RB: You can add planes to your lineup, and spawn them instead. This is because it offers an experience found nowhere else: the feel of combined arms, WW2-Style, is captured magnificently; Airplanes, tanks and warships fight together and against each other in a symphony of war, where every shot. More often. . As it is "planes only" mode is "fighter mode". Generally when talking RB tanks, most people are recommending the best 'mixed' nations as very few people recommend lineups that don't have at least one aircraft in them. 5v5 mixed battles were postponed due to bugs. Mixed battle is the only mode where fighter players more than about themselves are caring about either taking care of enemy bombers/attackers and covering their own. For once in War Thunder, mixed battles at top tier are legitimately pissing me off. Never even was Mig-15 Bis. . . By SilverNova115, August 23, 2014 in Ground Battles. ne aumentano la probabilità e di conseguenza il numero. 7 (AB) and 2. You know why?. I know CAS or close air support in War Thunder is a controversal topic. I don't care if it's not polished. Simulator Battles. In Mixed battles, the most potent loadout is the 2 x 250 kg option, which will destroy or critically damage most tanks around this BR,. And if you want, explain why you voted yes or no. The AIM-7C/D/E are not broken, and they are easy to dodge. Ground Battles ; Mixed Realistic battles for top tier. Also, just for future reference, talking about 'mixed battles' on here (the subreddit) refers to battles in RB where there is no nation split and the each team is a mix of all nations (like. ActivityRealistic Battle Discussion ; Ground Battles ; Mixed Rb Battles Mixed Rb Battles. Hey Everyone,This video is designed to introduce new players to the basic concept of how simulator battles work, particularly Enduring Confrontation. No BR limits, no nothing. All above is related to Realistic game mode. INVITE CODE - A gameplay using the BF 109 G-6 in a mixed forces Realistic Battle at War Thunde. 7. 50kg bomb is only enough when you get DIRECT hit, which is rather hard task. They are real predators that can easily defeat even the most dangerous tanks on the enemy team. It seems that whenever countries fight in battle as long as they are sided with either German esc teams or Russian esc teams, then it has been my experience that a victory is soon to follow as well as a complete spawn camp. Air battles can have AI-controlled tanks. In the autumn of 1943,. very rarely Aircobras. War Thunder puts new players into AB by default, but most youtubers play RB, and the way aircraft work in Ground AB is different from Ground RB. 『Sinner』 Jan 8, 2022 @ 3:05pm. There is nothing more frustrating than having all the advantages of a nation you are flying nullified by having it face itself. War Thunder - Mixed Battles Over Midway Bo Time Gaming 402K subscribers Join Subscribe 55K views 8 years ago Twitter -. Ground AB: Once you get enough points you get the option to create or join an airbattle, which gives you a random plane for 30-60s. I always thought that they would sway more towards mixed battles after china update. #1. We’re pleased to present a new location for mixed battles – the Port of Novorossiysk. Simple question: If somebody is just into planes and has no tanks in his line up, can he play in mixed battles? Some background: When the ground forces started to be available to all, I tried them and actually liked very much that part of the game too. . We present to you “Denmark”, a new location for aircraft battles in War Thunder. Vote for the old mixed RB to be re-added or not. Please Gaijin, just release a full all kinds mixed EC map. An Abomination. You can use bombers in mixed battles, you need to earn right to fly them though (again, get SP points). #1. Mix nation battles nullifies that. Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in. We’re pleased to present a new location for mixed battles – the port of Novorossiysk. 59558. All 109's and 190's seem quite popular. B) Cas is often harder than drop bomb, get kill (although imo there are a few exceptions) C) It is often team's fault for lacking spaa's. Si quello intendevo io. D) Allowing yourself to be exposed in the open is your own fault, CAS is only taking advantage of your mistakes if you are overexposed. 47 "Big Guns" . Thank you guys for all watching the videoAny donations that are given are greatly appreciated and help bring more content to the channel Tip - main aircraft prize in the new season of the War Thunder Battle Pass “Armour Breaking Ambusher” will be the Japanese B7A2 Ryusei piston-engined, a. The amount of top tier player is significantly less so you need to compromise a bit. . For once in War Thunder, mixed battles at top tier are legitimately pissing me off. Gaijin initially had a bonus reward (something like +15%) when playing random nation in Air (matchmaker pick one line-up from all nation you had), so I guess they could put a dynamic reward per nation (+0% to +20%) to try better distribute the player base. . You cannot have mixed battles with ships and tanks on one battlefield. War Thunder is no longer a WWII game. Battle rating (BR) is a value used to determine matchmaking in War Thunder. It was introduced in Update 1. 1000KG can take out multiple tanks in (very) close vicinity to each other. General Information. First spawns are free, spawning tanks lower tier than current battle is 50% less than default, spawning planes in Mixed Tank RB costs more than ground vehicles (Tanks starts at 500 or more, with lower tiers getting cheaper, Planes starts at 1000 or more, with lower tier planes being cheaper). This mode is what people refer to combined or mixed battle (since arcade plane mode is more a mini-game). I think, it takes 2 nations with most players searching at any one time, pits them against each other and fills the rest with other nations based on the amount of people searching. I know,. there is defo no reason to add mixed battles. Thanks to the event mode you can have actual historic battles with correct planes, maps and objectives right there. War Thunder Overview, Guide, Tutorial and Tips. Short answer: yes, there are mixed battles. How to play in a mixed battle? (planes + tanks) I really want to play in a planes vs tanks battles as it gets boring just against the same type all the time Showing. not enough players have the will to continue this game to get to top tier vehicles due to how planes are the majority used vehicle in ground battles so RP gain is slower and no one can effectively use their tanks to progress in mid BR. - 50% of all games germany has 5-6 planes in the air of 8 players in total and the soviet only 1 or 2 of 12 players! thats means its a sure lost game alread. Players who place 1 through 1000 in a leaderboard of any competition will receive a “Cyber-Competitor”. Not an option? Since how long have nations been mixed, and is there hope Gaijin divides countries according to WWII in realistic battles again? I've recently started playing again after I quite War Thunder years ago when Gaijin forced us to play arcade maps in realistic battles. This looks really fun! Any of my search term words; All of my search term wordsWhy did gaijin have to ruin the game by making everything mixed battles. Interests: War Thunder, tanks, music, free-to-play MMORPG's, World War II in general; 17301. Custom battle set up!Release EC mixed battles with Air, Ground, and Navy already!. Yes you might argue that it's just me, but having to get raped by AIM-7s from 4 different phantoms at the same time is ridiculous. These are generally much weaker and easier to destroy. Check out War Thunder for free and get a premium tank/aircraft and three days of premium account time as a bonus: t. . New location “Denmark”. Yes you might argue that it's just me, but having to get raped by AIM-7s from 4 different phantoms at the same time is ridiculous. I killed 3 player tanks, 1 player airplane, got 2 assists, killed 2 bots and recapped our base. . Never seen a single Corsair in mixed battles . The Phantom on Phantom. Never used to be able to queue with 2 non compatible nations, now you can and you can force mixed battles. So I remade one myself. The planes might not be accurate, but at least. EDIT: Please be nice in this discussion, and no "lollygagging". Also, nations have their strengths and weaknesses, that I can use or be aware of. Controlling a bomber while gunning in War Thunder has sucked ever since it came out, because even if you turn off autoleveling in options, Gaijin still forces the bomber autolevel and in the same direction you were flying when you switched to gunner. Returning to historical wouldnt really affect queue times, so please for the love of god can we go back to when the matchmaker was actually good?. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. top tiers; any tier; all. Making the match-making the same as in arcade, meaning teams consist of a mix between all nations. In Air Battles, the event is played on the Khalkhin Gol map, in Ground. RB mixed battles, queuing different nations together in the same squad? I went down the British and American lines while my friend went down the German line. Playing all vs all breaks this idea for me. To play you need to play as either Germany or Russia and have a tank and a plane in your line up. . Typically if we want to squad together we can only fly low tier planes if we want to fly the same thing. I haven't faced a single allied aircraft in a while now, I've basically given up on top tier for now. Honestly, a lot better than Axis / Allies for RB. 99 Starfighters. Reply Boszuyth1 •. Today we’re going to discuss helicopters that do an even better job than their peers at their ranks – the best attack helicopters in War Thunder!. Jump to content. The AIM-7C/D/E are not broken, and they are easy to dodge. You can queue up. MM is now quantitative and not semi-realistic. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. So i tried mixed battles for the first time in like 4 months and rp gain seems to be a bit on the low side. I remember when it was just a temporary measure. The '100' event features in both Air and Ground Force battles and is currently exclusive to Arcade mode. In Arcade game mode, you get aircraft as an additional spawn during Navy battle. [UESC] Robert Davidson VC DDS DC Jun 25, 2014 @ 7:11pm. Mixed Realistic battles for top tier. Report post. War Thunder removed E-100 (15cm) model with no trace. Ground battles in all modes (Arcade, Realistic, and Simulator) give the player the option to spawn in an aircraft when they've made enough kills (Arcade) or earned enough spawn points (Realistic/Sim). All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides ReviewsOnce you get enough Spawn Point, your next spawn can be in a plane form your line-up if you want. I cover. I see it this way too. F-4E Phantom II - The setup with 2xAIM-9B has been replaced with a setup with 2х AIM-9E without the need to research AIM-9E. E' un fattore aggiunto, che si poteva benissimo evitare. Browse. FizzyElf Jan 8, 2022 @ 2:45pm. War Thunder is the largest free-to-play multiplayer online game featuring military vehicles from a period spanning from the years before the Second World War until present time. Non è che sono la causa delle mixed battles, è che probabilmente così facendo si forzano. So I went back down to 5. 0 I didn’t really make much. . War Thunder is one of the best-known tank and flight combat simulators on the market. Rankings Challenge Season 1 camouflages can be sold on the Marketplace starting from May 23rd. I think with the event-mode in the game it is much better to change Realistic Battles (HB) to a mixed nation match-making. This familiar location to War Thunder pilots has been given a spacious battlefield for ground vehicles. I voted "yes". This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Having to go against other phantoms is so annoying. War Thunder. . In Ship mode (arcade or realistic), you also have also have Spawn Point and can spawn in a plane from your line-up (or a random plane if you. it will be added to the rotation of maps for aircraft battles with. Japanese Air Forces Rank I - Tutorial and Guide, Patch 1. Mixed battles are currently enabled. The Phantom on Phantom. Aviation, ground vehicles, and naval forces fight together in one game and even in one battle, just as the real-life battles were fought. So I remade one myself (+ Comparison with E-100 (12,8cm)USA: F-5E Tiger II - The setup with 2xAIM-9B has been replaced by a setup with 2х AIM-9E without the need to research AIM-9E modification. #5. Every battle should be mixed unless it custom then its whatever nations you set as allowed and not allowed with a little check mark in the set up screen. Any. They'll be readded later. Sign In. EDIT 2: I re-voted Abstain because I want to hear from you guys first before re-voting to yes or no. 3 (RB/SB). I play RB to team up with one nation and play against others. Example: Both teams gets 10,000 Points. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. War Thunder MMO Action game Gaming. But it’s like arcade realistic down there. Jaes Jun 21, 2021 @ 7:19pm. is it rank locked or is it. Here's a shocker right back at you: Maybe there's people who play War Thunder Ground Forces in order to fight with TANKS against OTHER TANKS. The IL-2 1941 is the first IL-type strike aircraft a pilot will get in. Occasional Me 410's also appear, the times I've seen a Hs 129B are. To play aircraft in navy battle, you simply need to have aircraft and ship in your lineup and join Navy Battle. Depending on which nation I'm against, I can adapt my gameplay (brawling or be aware of the flanks). The number of mixed battles currently is ridiculous, I can count on one hand the number non-mixed matches I've had in the past few weeks. Germany: Mostly He 111's, Do 217E's and Stukas for ground attacks. War Thunder Realistic Battle, Japan R. In War Thunder mixed battles, helicopters provide close air support and are very good at it. Posted March 23, 2015. It's RB+ Difficulty setting on. One of the few things that made realistic battles actually realistic were that the nations that fought eachother in game actually fought eachother in real battles. Mixed setups with AIM-9E still require this modification to be unlocked. 8,632 posts. r/Warthunder. Having to go against other phantoms is so annoying. I don't care if it's just terrible and suffering for the players. Tomorrow, on May 30th, we will be turning on mixed battles between aviation and Ground forces in the Realistic and Simulator game modes for all maps and ranks. Now enjoying the. Generally the bigger bomb is, the easier it is to use. Forums; Calendar; Staff; Online Users; More . I took only one tank and a stuka to that game because i didnt know how the respawn works. Description. SB mode is based on the most realistic simulation settings; only the first-person view in the cockpit or gunner views are available, and flight physics are at their most realistic settings, reflecting the real-world attributes of aircraft to a fairly accurate level. I actually lost sl or broke even most of the time.